Analisis Kewirausahaan Inovasi Ecoprint Bag sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Sampah Plastik Sekali Pakai di Kabupaten Sorong

  • Aldila Mawanti Athirah Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Aci Aprianto Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah sorong
  • joko setiawan Universitas Penndidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Afriandy Afriandy Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong
Keywords: Sampah, Plastik, Ecoprint, Bag, Sorong.


Plastic bags are very often used to carry goods and food. In general, Indonesian people cannot separate their habits from the use of single-use plastic waste. The use of plastic bags currently looks quite simple but will pose a danger to the environment or the earth, the only place where humans live. Plastic has properties that do not easily decompose in soil. In its life cycle, plastic waste has a lifespan of around 10 to 500 years until it can decompose and blend into the soil, so it is certain that the single-use shopping plastic that we use now will remain in the form of shopping plastic for the next 500 years. One solution to overcome this problem is that we have an innovation to create environmentally friendly shopping bags, namely the Ecoprint Bag. Ecoprint Bag is a tote or shoulder bag product made from canvas with a touch of natural motifs from leaves and flowers. The Ecoprint Bag can be used as a tote bag which is usually used as a shopping bag or traveling bag. The marketing target of the Ecoprint Bag is mainly people in Sorong City aged 18-50 years, male or female who have a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle. The innovation we made helps reduce the use of plastic shopping bags in Sorong City because Ecoprint Bags can replace the function of single-use plastic. We have collaborated with various partners in Sorong City to make it easier to market products to consumers.

Keywords: Rubbish, Plastic, Ecoprint, Sorong


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