Species Diversity and Carbon Stock Assessments in Mangrove dan Buffer Zone Conservation Areas, West Papua, Indonesia

  • Daril Andrean Davinsa
  • Dyah Putri Utami
  • Mustagfirin Mustagfirin
  • Waskito Aji Suryo Putro Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong


Species Diversity and Carbon Stock Assessments in Mangrove dan Buffer Zone Conservation Areas,West Papua, Indonesia

Global warming is the foremost natural issue nowadays. the number of community or companies that are beginning to not consider natural standards is accelerating global warming. PT Pertamina Refinery Unit VII Kasim with a mangrove conservation area and buffer zone has a role in reducing the impact of global warming. This can be a potential for carbon stock and absorption in conservation areas. Carbon research can also be linked to world carbon trading, as a form of commitment from a country that does not have forests. This study aims to determine the results of carbon stock and absorption in the mangrove area and buffer zone. This research was conducted in July 2021 in the company's conservation area. The diversity of species mangrove with 5 results and 13 species in bufferzone areas. The carbon results obtained, that the two conservation areas have great potential in absorbing and storing carbon. The result of carbon stock in the mangrove area is 32.93 tons/ha and in the buffer zone area is 588.86 tons/ha. While the carbon absorption in the mangrove ecosystem is 8.97 tons/ha and in the buffer zone area is 160.45 tons/ha. In carbon trading, the Pertamina RU VII Program has the potential to contribute to the country as much as (1.6 billion).



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How to Cite
Davinsa, D., Utami, D., Mustagfirin, M., & Putro, W. A. (2021). Species Diversity and Carbon Stock Assessments in Mangrove dan Buffer Zone Conservation Areas, West Papua, Indonesia. BASA (Barometer Sains) Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran IPA, 2(2), 1-10. Retrieved from https://unimuda.e-journal.id/basa/article/view/1463