The Importance of Pancasila as the Foundation of National Character

  • Siti Maizul Habibah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Pancasila, Foundation, National Character


The civilization or ideology of a country is a collection of fundamental principles (norms) or systems of values that are broad and deep and that they hold as their worldview. Because Pancasila is a philosophy that is considered the most suitable for implementing the state system of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila is an ideology for the Indonesian nation. The Pancasila philosophy that Soekarno discovered is still deeply embedded in the minds and souls of the Indonesian people, continuing to shape Indonesia's national culture. One aspect of the cultivation movement, which also means that its application in everyday life consists of creating ideas about Pancasila values that remain within the parameters of the paradigm or the content of the true essence and serve as a foundation to shape the morals and character of the multicultural Indonesian nation in order to maintain harmonious relations among its many ethnic groups. Untuk itu, dalam rangka melestarikan konsep budaya nasional, dilakukan upaya untuk menanamkan kembali pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip Pancasila sebagai dasar Negara Indonesia.


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