Implementation of Pancasila Values in the Era of Globalization as Moral Education for the Nation's Children
For everyday life, education is the most important factor for Indonesian society. Pancasila is recognized as the nation's founding document and state ideology. With the rapid development of technology and times, the acceleration of globalization is also the same. This article was created to help readers understand and conduct a more in-depth analysis of the implementation of Pancasila as a form of moral education for the nation's children. Given the advancement of science and technology, children's moral education is one of the things that is very important to pay attention to. In order for children to have strong morality and be aware of Pancasila in everyday life, it can be pursued by learning about citizenship and Pancasila. Strengthening character education to realize Pancasila Students is basically to encourage the birth of good human beings. This research uses a qualitative method or descriptive approach, the data collection method is in the form of documents in the form of books, journals, and articles.