Pemanfaatan Kangkung Sebagai Pakan Ternak Berkualitas
Kale is widely found in Asia and is a plant that can be found almost everywhere, especially in watery areas. This plant has a hollow creeping stem with alternate leaves and stems that are erect at the base of the leaves. This plant is pale green in color and produces white flowers, which produce sacs containing four seeds. The water content of kale includes beta carotene, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and has antioxidant activity. While the content of land kale is flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Because of that, kale is of great interest to many people for consumption as a daily human food ingredient. This kale vegetable can be used as animal feed as well. Because it contains a lot of nutrients in it. The purpose of this research is how to use water spinach as quality animal feed. Regular feeding of green leafy vegetables to chickens boosts the chicken's immune system and aids in the development of healthy bones. In addition, it can determine the physical quality of kale feed and determine the palatability of kale feed. This research was conducted in the integrated laboratory at Unimuda Sorong. Faculty of applied science, Animal Husbandry Study Program Muhammadiyah University of Education Sorong from group two. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality and palatability of chickens. The research sample was two chickens. The results showed that the fermented product had a brown color, sour aroma or taste or typical of kale and katul, and had a dense texture. The level of palatability was preferred in the administration of 1x experiment. The conclusion of this study is that the results of fermentation produce color, aroma, texture. Of the 100 grams given to chickens, 50% of the feed is used up.
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