Analisis Penggunaan Learning Management System Moodle dan Google Classroom dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa

  • Diana Fallo Universitas Citra Bangsa
Keywords: Learning management system moodle, google classroom


Data collection was carried out by providing research instruments through a questionnaire consisting of 25 statements. The questionnaire was then distributed to 36 students of Informatics Education Study Program, Citra Bangsa University. The results showed that 72.31 % of students areĀ  interested in learning by using Google Classroom. Conversely, 85.89% of students prefer to study using the UCB learning management system (LMS) rather than learnĀ  using Google Classroom. LMS UCB has the advantage of being able to provide students with learning material, quizzes, and exercises. Besides that, students can do assignments directly in LMS, and lecturers can process grades well. Thus, LMS is more recommended than using Google Classroom.


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