The Impact of CEFR-Aligned Writing Assessments on Enhancing ESL/EFL Learners' Writing Competence: A Comparative Analysis

  • Sunengko Sunengko Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: writing competence; ESL/EFL learners; peer feedback; automated writing tools; systematic literature review


This systematic literature review (SLR) investigates the impact of CEFR-aligned writing assessments on ESL/EFL learners' writing competence from 2019 to 2024. Using the PRISMA framework, the review evaluates studies comparing CEFR-based writing interventions with traditional assessment methods, focusing on grammatical accuracy, coherence, and overall writing proficiency. Data were sourced from Scopus using well-defined inclusion criteria. Key themes include feedback mechanisms (peer, teacher, and automated tools like Grammarly), the role of digital platforms, and learner engagement. Findings suggest that CEFR-aligned assessments provide structured, outcome-driven writing improvement, especially when supported by feedback and technology-enhanced instruction. However, limitations remain concerning long-term effects and the applicability of gamified learning tools for advanced learners. This review underscores the need for future research into writing assessment scalability, task-based rubrics, and the integration of AI-driven evaluation tools in CEFR-based writing instruction.


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