Students Error Analysis in Using Preposition “to” and “for” in Simple Past Tense

  • Ipa Zuhra Alhamid SMP Muhammadiyah Aimas
Keywords: Error Analysis, Preposition, Simple Past Tense


This study was  designed  to  investigate  the  students  error  in  using  preposition  “to”  and  “for”.  English  is  one  of  international  language,  this is important for us  to  master  it.  In  this  era,  many  science  and  technology book are written in English. Based on the fact that, learning a  foreign  language  often the learner get difficulties,  especially  in  grammar.  They  were  that  error  analysis  at  using preposition “to” and “for” are found in the second grade  of  MTS Al-Ma’arif 1 aimas. The students error were classified into several kind, error in using preposition “to” and “for”, error in using past tense and error in omission, addition and miss-formation. From the analysis, it was found that, the first errors in miss-formation, with the frequency 56% as the highest number of occurrences. The second level in addition, with frequency 22%l. The finally lower in omission with  frequency 21%. In learning English process students make error in using preposition in miss-formation, it happened to do not mastery about the material and also writer found caused the error of students include first language, translation error. Based on the discussion, it is included that the students at the second grade of MTS Al-Ma’arif 1 Aimas still low in understanding function of preposition. The finally the writer hopes that it will help the teacher in their teaching to improving the students ability in learning English.


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How to Cite
Alhamid, I. (2019). Students Error Analysis in Using Preposition “to” and “for” in Simple Past Tense. INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 5(1), 1-9.