The Types of Lexical Cohesion in Sri Mulyani Indrawati Speech at Sipa, Columbia University, New York

  • Putri Dhea Sahara Maharani Universitas Putera Batam
  • Nurma Dhona Handayani Universitas Putera Batam
Keywords: Discourse Analysis, Lexical Cohesion, Speech Act


This research focused on investigating types of lexical cohesion found in speech of World Bank and COO Sri Mulyani Indrawati at SIPA, Columbia University, New York. The method used It is intended that by delving deeper into the lexical cohesiveness in discourse in speech, this study will add to the field of discourse analysis based on speech. The study's findings show that reiteration, which involves the recurrence of word forms, phrases, and verbs, is the most common lexical cohesion mechanism. There were a few remarks about collocations. Looking at existing discourse, reiteration with repetition is one method for conveying a moral message to the reader. The research implied used the theory of Paltridge (2012). In collecting the data, the method is observation, the technique is note-taking and the steps was watching the video, listening the video, taking note the data, and highlighting the main data. In analyzing the data, were examined using the identified method and competence in equalizing technique. The data was taken from the utterance in the Sri Mulyani Indrawati speech. There are 10 data of lexical cohesion which are divided into 6 types. The lexical cohesion with most occurrences were complaint with repetition.


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How to Cite
Maharani, P. D., & Handayani, N. (2024). The Types of Lexical Cohesion in Sri Mulyani Indrawati Speech at Sipa, Columbia University, New York. INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 11(1), 173-180.