Representation of Bullying in the French Movie "Respire" and Countermeasures through the Correlation of Character Education

  • Dian Puspita Sari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Dadang Sunendar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Iis Sopiawati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Roland Barthles Semiotics Representation, Bullying, Character Education


This research explores the representation of bullying in a French film entitled "Respire" by Anne-Sophie Brasme in 2014. This research uses a qualitative analysis and the Roland Barthles semiotic method by examining the denotation, connotation, and mythical signs contained in the movie scenes. Furthermore, this study also classifies the types of bullying in the movie and discusses how to countermeasures the bullying through character education. The results show that the film Respire depicts the dynamics of bullying, including the factors that influence the perpetrator's behavior and the victim's response. The types of bullying in the film are verbal bullying, non-verbal bullying, physical bullying, cyber bullying, and social/psychological bullying. This movie is used as a means to discuss the issue of bullying in the context of character education, relying on the importance of the role of parents and teachers as role models for students to implement character education. The activities that can be carried out to prevent bullying in educational institutions include school orientation activities, class socialization about bullying, and parent meetings with the teachers to provide psychological studies of child development. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of bullying and the importance of integrating character education to form a more resilient and empathetic student character to avoid bullying behavior.


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How to Cite
Sari, D., Sunendar, D., & Sopiawati, I. (2024). Representation of Bullying in the French Movie "Respire" and Countermeasures through the Correlation of Character Education. INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 11(1), 267-279.