The Impact of International Religious Issues and Tensions on Nationalism, Citizenship, and Human Rights

  • M. Mahdi Alatas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Maisaroh Ritonga Universitas Al Washliyah Labuhanbatu
  • Junaidi Arsyad Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Keywords: International Religious Issues, Nationalism, Citizenship


Research on the effect of worldwide strict issues and pressures on patriotism, citizenship and common liberties with exceptionally confounding advancements in the media, both composed and, on the web, implies that it should be examined to increment logical understanding into the continuous clash among Israel and Palestine. This examination is subjective exploration with graphic techniques. The information assortment procedure in this examination will utilize a writing survey. Subjective information handling incorporates the phases of information decrease, information show, information investigation, finishing up and confirming, expanding information legitimacy, and giving a story of insightful outcomes, with measurable information the number of inhabitants in Israel is 73.6% Jewish, 18.1% Muslim, 1.9% Christians, and 1.6% Druze. In the meantime, the strict populace in Palestine is 93% Sunni Muslim and 6% Christian. In view of examination studies, the contention among Israel and Palestine is as yet unsettled, the mentality that strict people should focus on in answering strict variety with a demeanor of resistance. Aside from that, being a productive member of society doesn't only mean complying with the law or cultivating a feeling of identity, yet in addition encouraging a feeling of resistance towards the variety of religions, so science and training are required which plan to cultivate perspectives of resilience between strict networks, patriotism, citizenship and hostile to nationality. against common freedoms infringement committed by Israel.


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How to Cite
Alatas, M., Ritonga, M., & Arsyad, J. (2024). The Impact of International Religious Issues and Tensions on Nationalism, Citizenship, and Human Rights. INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 11(2), 415-423.