The Identification of Religious Character Values on Serenade Senja
This study aimed at identifying the religious character values and to
describe them presented by the main figures in Serenade Senja. It was
conducted by qualitative research. The procedure of the research was
reading the book repeatedly, focusing on religious values explained in the
book, adding some references relevant to this study, and searching various
sources to analyze the data. The religious values were found in three short
stories namely KepunyaanMu, Kertas Kusam, and Serenade Senja. The
characters of this story were described as religious characters. They did the
worship diligently, remembered Allah anytime, kept promises, respected
and supported others, being sincere, respectful, friendly, and grateful in
their life. Those characters could be analyzed from the various part of the
story. It could be concluded that literature becomes a media to convey the
message which is available in the story to make the reader gaining the
benefit and actualizing in real-life so that the life becomes better life in the
next future.
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